Sexual Struggles and the Church

Sexual Struggles and the Church

186SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 6 minutesIn a world where our sexuality is a focal point, it’s not surprising that understanding sexual struggles (and sometimes resulting sin) can be problematic.  It shouldn’t really be...
Hope in the Ashes

Hope in the Ashes

82SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 4 minutesA forest fire threatened Fort McMurray and has now heavily impacted the city. What hope can there be in destruction? Where is God when so much has been lost? As spectators from afar,...
“Christian” Government?

“Christian” Government?

181SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 5 minutesCanadians have decided – Canada will have a liberal majority government led by Justin Trudeau. I’m a Christian, so you may think I would be upset because the “Christian” progressive...
Good People Responding To Bad Things

Good People Responding To Bad Things

40SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 4 minutesAs we experience life, we have probably all asked, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  While I have pondered this very question numerous times, I have also pondered...
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