Dear Congregation

Dear Congregation

626SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 4 minutesTo say the past six years have been some of the best years of our lives would be an understatement. We came here six years ago with nothing but a passion to pastor, a small car, and a...
Leading an Intern 101 (Part 1)

Leading an Intern 101 (Part 1)

396SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 4 minutesWe welcome our first intern to our Church family in a few days. I’m nervous and excited at the same time!  I can’t wait for the journey to begin, but I’m realizing he’s counting...
When God Says, “Not right now…”

When God Says, “Not right now…”

332SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 7 minutesYou’re passionate about a new opportunity. You’ve applied for a new role. You’ve been nominated for leadership. You know God is stirring up a passion for new ideas and strategic...
How to Identify False Prophets

How to Identify False Prophets

450SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 7 minutesWe’re faced with information from so many different directions these days.  It’s difficult to know what’s of God and what’s not.  While it may be tempting to want to identify the...
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