582SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 5 minutesWhen I see a rainbow, I’m amazed each time. How could something so beautiful come from reflecting light through rain drops? Basic science collides with breath-taking wonder. In recent...
186SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 6 minutesIn a world where our sexuality is a focal point, it’s not surprising that understanding sexual struggles (and sometimes resulting sin) can be problematic. It shouldn’t really be...
85SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 6 minutesWe’re told not to doubt, and yet Christians still doubt. Is there something missing from our equation of Christian living? Why do some believers seem to question God’s truth? If we...