Inspiring stories are great, but inspiring stories based on real life, are powerful. The All Saints movie is just that. It's a true story of how God inspired a pastor with a dream that, not only saved a small local church but, built a thriving faith community around an 'out-of-the-box' ministry.
ALL SAINTS is based on the inspiring true story of salesman-turned-pastor Michael Spurlock (John Corbett), the tiny church he was ordered to shut down, and a group of refugees from Southeast Asia. Together, they risked everything to plant seeds for a future that might just save them all.1
A Story of Community
A parish of twelve was about to close, but God had different plans. The vision was big and far beyond what parish statistics could forecast. God was about to do the impossible. What's most significant — the dream circled around community! "The Click To Tweet
The congregation welcomed a community of 'strangers' (a group of refugees) who, in turn, brought life and vitality to a dying local assembly. Whether they understood it or not, they followed the Hebrew writers exhortation:
Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1 (NIV)It's an honest challenge for every local church. The growth of tomorrow must be based on the impartial growth of the whole community. There's no place for favoritism in God's Kingdom!
A Story of Faith
"I don't know how you couldn't be a person of faith after hearing this story."
Debra Rogers (Mrs. Harlowe)"Faith Click To TweetIt had to take extraordinary faith to step out in obedience to God while denominational leadership was instructing to simply close the doors. It wasn't disrespectful or rebellious, it was a step of faith, and God proved himself through the process.
Michael Spurlock, All Saints' pastor at the time, understood the challenge as a growing experience:
"I think what the Lord was trying to teach me was to be helplessly dependent on Him, and not try to be trusting the strength of my own arm."
Michael Spurlock (All Saints Vicar, 2007 – 2010)What a lesson for all of us! Faith isn't about trusting our own strength, but trusting God's ability to provide!
A Story of Miracles
"Miracles Click To TweetWhen we see the Church (the body of believers) completely trust God's agenda, we see amazing things happen! The people of All Saints can now prove it! For example, God provided a '1000 gallon water tank mounted on a trailer with a pump' (a $3000 piece of needed equipment) for free.
"God provided not just something we needed…the exact thing we needed."
Michael Spurlock (All Saints Vicar, 2007 – 2010)God's timing was simply amazing. But during times of uncertainty, miracles aren't just amazing, they're God's confirmation along the journey of faith.
A Story of Inspiration
God's not done! "God Click To Tweet
This story is not only a chance to see how God has moved, but also how God can and will move among those who completely trust His lead.
"God doesn't work in past events, He works in the here and now and He's gonna continue to work in the future. Which means that none of us are exempt from experiencing something [amazing] in our lives if we would open ourselves to Him and open ourselves to His action. He hasn't said the last word!"
Michael Spurlock (All Saints Vicar, 2007 – 2010)I can't think of a more inspiring message! God is not done! He is still inspiring others to grow the Kingdom! God is longing to use people who are ready to open themselves 'to His action.'
Check out the official trailer and don't forget to share and subscribe to the The Journey Holm blog for a chance to win FREE tickets (Fandango) to watch this movie in theaters!
As a Featured Contributor of Sony’s ALL SAINTS Influencer Program, I received the value of two movie tickets in exchange for an honest review on my blog.