Dear Congregation

Dear Congregation

626SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 4 minutesTo say the past six years have been some of the best years of our lives would be an understatement. We came here six years ago with nothing but a passion to pastor, a small car, and a...
REVIEW: All Saints, the Movie

REVIEW: All Saints, the Movie

261SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 4 minutesInspiring stories are great, but inspiring stories based on real life, are powerful. The All Saints movie is just that. It's a true story of how God inspired a pastor with a...
Sexual Struggles and the Church

Sexual Struggles and the Church

186SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 6 minutesIn a world where our sexuality is a focal point, it’s not surprising that understanding sexual struggles (and sometimes resulting sin) can be problematic.  It shouldn’t really be...
We Don’t Have To Go To “Church”

We Don’t Have To Go To “Church”

350SHARESFacebookTwitterLinkedinPrintMailPinterestStumbleupon Reading Time: 6 minutesIt’s beautiful outside, we’re off for the day, why not spend time with family?  Do we really have to go to church every single Sunday?  After all, we’re saved by grace, not by how...
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