It’s Easter weekend and it’s when we remember and celebrate how Jesus paid the price for our sin. The season starts with celebration (Palm Sunday) and ends with celebration (Easter Sunday). What happens in the middle of the season, however, doesn’t always get the same attention as it should. Good Friday is when we stop and reflect on the price Jesus paid for all of us.
I often hear, “It’s Good Friday, BUUUT Sunday is coming!”
Ever hear that? Ever say that yourself?
I don’t blame anyone for saying it or thinking that way, however, if that’s our focus, we usually miss the significance of Good Friday.
I get it, no one really wants to take about death. No one wants to reflect on how Jesus suffered and died. No one wants to leave a church service feeling depressed. I get it.
The cross is an incredible act of love that we really can't afford to ignore. Click To TweetThe problem is – the death we are remembering/reflecting about, is the death that provides us all with eternal life and a relationship with God the Father. Jesus (without sin) literally took our place, and covered our sin so that we could become righteous before God. When Jesus said, ‘It is finished,’ that’s what was accomplished. The cross is an incredible act of love that we really can’t afford to ignore – it has a huge significance.
So, what should we do on Good Friday to ensure we don’t miss out on remembering and reflecting on this significant day? Here are five things we can try:
1. Be present with other believers.
Jesus and the disciples were together during the Last Super. They were having ‘commUNION’ together. It’s really important that we come together, with fellow believers. Communion is the act of personally and corporately sharing the gift of grace that Jesus gave to all of us. (You can read more about Communion here)
Communion is the act of personally and corporately sharing the gift of grace that Jesus gave to all of us. Click To TweetIn fact, I would even argue that communion loses its significance when we engage in communion by ourselves. I’m not saying you can’t partake alone – I’m saying it loses its power and significance when we avoid coming together as a group of believers.
I should also say – this shouldn’t be limited to Good Friday. We should come together on a regular basis to remember and reflect on the cross.
2. ‘Devote’ yourself to remembering by reading scripture and eating together – like the early Church did.
In Acts 2:42, Luke gives us three things the early Church devoted themselves towards: teaching, prayer, fellowship, and the breaking of bread.
Sometimes we miss the connection between communion and eating together. But just as Jesus ate with his disciples, the night before he died, we should make it a practice to eat together when we remember what Jesus did for us.
I’m not saying every meal needs to result in communion after, but I am saying that our meals together have significance. Lets make sure we hold them sacred and allow the spirit of unity to increase our faith in Jesus.
Maybe our meals on Good Friday should include a moment of reflecting.
3. Experience some teaching and/or discussion
Whether you’re attending a local church service on Good Friday, or discussing as a family, it’s important to engage in this important topic!
As a young family, we don’t always take the kids to a Good Friday service. Some don’t understand, but having to go early to get a seat in a church building our kids aren’t familiar, isn’t real fun. Our local church does’t have a building yet, so we look forward to next year when we could potentially host something with our church family.
But that doesn’t mean we don’t discuss these topics as a family. We’ll take a moment to ask a few questions and talk about what Easter is all about.
Find a way this Good Friday to discuss the significance. You won’t regret it! Click To TweetYes, we’ll usually end on a high note (our oldest is five) – it’s heavy enough to talk about death. But that doesn’t mean we won’t first talk about what Jesus did. Just because Rae is young, doesn’t mean she can’t start to understand Jesus’ amazing love and sacrifice! She actually gets it in her own way.
Find a way this Good Friday to discuss the significance. You won’t regret it!
4. Reflect on Jesus’ life and situation 2000 years ago.
I often think about all of Jesus’ family and friends. That Friday (2000 years ago) would have been devastating to them. We know the story. We know the tomb doesn’t hold him…but they didn’t have that clarity.
If there’s anyone who truly understood Jesus’ sacrifice, it was his closest friends on earth when he died. They felt it.
Even Peter (the leader) really struggled with what was happening. He even denied he knew Jesus when he was questioned. We would probably do the same if we were in the same position.
Ask God to help you reflect on that feeling and help it create an urgency in you to draw closer to Him and become a better witness for the Kingdom.
5. Look to the future.
I know I’ve been saying to reflect on Good Friday, but there’s really no problem to look to the future as well. We just can’t forget to adequately reflect and remember the cross.
We know what happens on Sunday.
We can anticipate the celebration.
We can taste the victory.
Sunday's coming, BUT today is Good Friday! Click To TweetWe just can’t let the victory soften the impact of the cross. In essence, we remember the past, reflect on its meaning to us, and refocus as we look to the future – when Jesus will once again sit at the table with His Church.
So, on Good Friday, maybe we should be saying, “Sunday’s coming, BUT today is Good Friday.”