Here’s The Weekly Journey – a few blog posts that I’ve recently read. As you read, know this: sometimes I agree with the content and other times I don’t. The point of the Weekly Journey isn’t to share my thoughts. At the end of the day, I hope these posts help us think as we journey together. Feel free to comment and/or share!
Church Ministry: Outreach
How some older congregations have successfully reached a younger audience. You may be surprised at the answer…
Church Ministry: Worship Ministry
Have you experienced the conflict between new and old worship music? Billy Graham answer’s the question, and I hope it speaks “volumes”…
Christianity and Culture: Capitalism?
The economy is in a volatile state. Is there anything Christian about it? Can that change? This post may be idealistic, but hopefully it can make us think…
Just for fun…
Burton is an author and blogger who lives around the corner from me. Subscribe to his blog to rea some short-stories about life in Newfoundland, Canada.
The most recent post on The Journey Holm…
Thanks for reading! I hope these blog posts are helpful in your weekly journey. Feel free to comment and/or share!