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Here’s The Weekly Journey – a few blog posts that I’ve recently read.  As you read, know this: sometimes I agree with the content and other times I don’t.  The point of the Weekly Journey isn’t to share my thoughts.  At the end of the day, I hope these posts help us think as we journey together.  Feel free to comment and/or share!


Charismatic Spirituality…

The spectrum of Charismatic Spirituality is far and wide. Here’s a post trying to define the “New Charismatics”…

Discipling Others…

Jesus’ strategy for discipleship broken down into 10 thoughts (this is the first half)…

Personal Discipleship…

This is Part 1 of a 4 part series on Christian doubt that is being published on

Stories of Discipleship…

I can relate to Burton’s story of a professor making a deep impact on his life…

The Catholic and the Pentecostal

Biblical View…

Have we missed what it means to be Christ follower? Be inspired and challenged by Jeff Clarke…

Thanks for reading!  Feel free to comment and share!

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