It’s pretty simple: Jesus loves you. The question is: do you love Him? We might answer “yes” to that question fairly quickly, but do we stop and think about what it really means to show and express love for Jesus?
My wife and I had a long discussion one day about “dirty dishes and clothes on the floor.” Yes, you read that correctly. Long story short – even if I don’t mind a few dirty dishes in the sink and some clothes on the floor, I’m able to show her how much I love her by cleaning those dishes and picking up the clothes. I never stopped loving her, but these actions help express that love in a tangible way and keep me focused on serving my wife, rather than myself.
Don’t get sidetracked by my example… The point is, we may love Jesus, but do our everyday lives speak that same language?
I’m sure we could list a ton of different ways of showing Jesus how much we love Him, but I’ll offer ten. If you have another, take a moment and include it in a comment at the bottom of the post. I’d love to hear from you!
1. We communicate daily with Him.
Praying and reading His Word (the Bible) is a daily activity that helps us communicate with Him. But it’s more than asking for a wish-list. The Spirit uses prayer and scripture, to help us better understand God’s voice. If we do that daily, we show how much we love Jesus (Rom 12:12).
2. We follow His commands and lead.
It’s not popular to say we follow a “set of rules,” however, because we are saved by grace, we should want to express our gratitude by serving Him and following His lead in our lives. We don’t follow His commands to receive salvation; we follow His commands because of our salvation (2 Cor 5:14f).We don’t follow His commands to receive salvation; we follow His commands because of our salvation. Click To Tweet
3. We worship God every day.
Our “worship experience” includes Sunday, can’t be limited to Sunday. True worship is a life-long journey of expressing our love for Jesus every day. It may not be in the form of singing, but our attitude towards life should echo our love for Jesus (John 4:21-24).
4. We live selflessly, not selfishly.
Our culture tells us WE are most important. Scripture tells us, JESUS is most important. The main idea – if we love Jesus, we will live selfless lives that focus on loving God and loving others, long before serving ourselves. (Related post: Who’s More Important: Jesus or Me?)
5. We love and serve when others don’t deserve.
Even when others may wrong us, or take action that “deserves” punishment, the way we react to them is critical. Because Jesus loves everyone, our reaction of extending that love (the same love that He gives us) makes a big statement on how much we, in fact, love Jesus (Mat 5:44; Luke 6:27).
6. We share in the joy and pain of others.
“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Cor 12:26, ESV). Unity in both joy and suffering is vital in the journey of discipleship. If we do this authentically, we really show how much we love Jesus.
7. We hold true to our integrity.
Being deceitful is a sure way to devalue your love for Jesus. Being honest and having integrity, on the other hand, proves to God, and others, that the loving truth we believe in is worth living for (Prov 11:3; 28:6; 2 Cor 8:21; 1 Peter 3:16). Having integrity.. proves to God, & others, that the loving truth we believe in is worth living for. Click To Tweet
8. We belong to a local Church.
Saying we love Jesus, but hate the Church is like saying we love God, but hate His body. No matter how messed up we think the Church may be, we’re all just as messed up without Jesus. Belonging to a local Church (ie. The hands and feet of Jesus) is vital if we are serious about loving Jesus. (Related Post: We Don’t Have To Go To Church)
9. We support the local Church financially.
Tithing is a biblical principle, but not an absolute law under grace. What does that mean? It means tithing is not requirement of salvation and we are no longer restricted to give only ten percent. In fact, Jesus reminds us that everything we have belongs to Him and we are to follow His lead as we make financial decisions (Luke 18:22). Want to show that you love Jesus? Financially support His hands and feet (the Church) as they reach out into the community. Without financial support, local ministry and leadership fall apart (Phil 4:10-20).Love Jesus? Financially support His hands & feet (the Church) as they reach out into the community. Click To Tweet
10. We generously give to those in need.
Over and above supporting the local Church and leadership, the early Church made sure all the needs around them were met. So much so, that some even sold their possessions to help others in need (Acts 2:45). Talk about generously showing how much you love Jesus!
Your turn…
How do you show Jesus how much you love Him? Comment below with ways to share your love for Jesus and feel free to elaborate and ask questions about the above ten!
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